Beacon Capital Partners Differentiates Commercial Properties with 9 Foundations Healthy Buildings Optimization Program

Jul 2, 2024 | Press Releases

On Sunday, June 30, 2024, 60 Minutes re-aired “The Air We Breathe,” on CBS featuring Beacon’s 53 State Street in Boston and Dr. Joe Allen, Founder and CEO of 9 Foundations, to spotlight the importance of IAQ monitoring in the workplace. Decades of research show that better IAQ can enhance overall well-being, improve cognitive function, and support respiratory, heart, and immune health, among other benefits. Beacon’s adoption of real-time IAQ monitoring, a core component of the Healthy Buildings Optimization Program, demonstrates a commitment to the health, safety, and performance of the people inside their buildings. A link to the segment can be viewed here:

Media Contact

Maureen Richardson, Beacon Capital Partners, 1 (914) 686-5599, [email protected], 

Sarah Pappas, 9 Foundations, Inc., [email protected],

SOURCE Beacon Capital Partners


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