Joseph Ben Hil-Meyer Research, Inc. has published a new book with an in-depth materia medica of the twelve homeopathic cell salts and integrating cell salts with essential oils, herbal medicine, acupuncture, molecular hydrogen and other traditional naturopathic remedies.
The book is authored by Dr. Berkowsky Berkowsky (N.M.D., M.H., H.M.C.), who has for over 40 years, devoted himself to the study and practice of the art and science of natural healing. He has constructed unique and dynamic systems of health creation from a synthesis of the complementary aspects of traditional naturopathy, classical homeopathy, western science, traditional eastern healing arts and anthroposophical science. Thus, modern physiological and biochemical knowledge has been incorporated into a context that acknowledges the unity of human life with the fundamental elements and rhythms of nature.
The new book titled, “Berkowsky’s Synthesis Materia Medica of the Twelve Cell Salts” showcases his original therapeutic method that combines central elements of both his Natural Health Science System and the art of Spiritual PhytoEssencing with Homeopathic Cell Salts.
This book not only helps the readers expand understanding of the nature of each cell salt and its physiological and clinical dynamics, but also teaches Dr. Berkowsky’s original therapeutic method that combines central elements of both his Natural Health Science System and art of Spiritual PhytoEssencing with Cell Salts. It’s a text book that will provide new therapeutic approaches to all practitioners interested in homeopathy, aromatherapy, molecular hydrogen and acupuncture. Here you will have a tremendous fund of knowledge that can help you vastly expand your ability to employ the twelve cell salts in creative, efficient and powerful ways.
Those interested in joining online workshops and the students group of Dr. Berkowsky can join his NHSS/SPE membership program.
Journalists, practitioners and podcasters are welcome to connect with Dr. Berkowsky to learn more about his natural healing techniques and systems such as Spiritual Phytoessencing and Vital Chi Skin Brushing. Distributors and online shops are welcome to contact us for distribution deals of the new book.
Size: Digest (9″x6″)
Pages: 500+
The book can ordered from Dr. Berkowsky’s website, and will be available from 21st June, 2023. The pre-orders are available now.