Unlock Your Super Brain with PEMF, LLLT & H2


Oct 18, 2022 | Articles, Press Releases

You may have heard countless health and wellness experts talk about the importance of having a healthy gut and microbiome because that’s your second brain. When your gut is out of balance, it becomes harder to focus and perform at your best. Read on to discover research articles on brain, gut and digestive health with PEMF, LLLT and molecular hydrogen therapies.

new study from Japan shows how molecular hydrogen affects gut microbiome positively and has a role in cholesterol metabolism and liver protection. Another recent study published in The Experimental And Therapeutic Medicine, explores the potential use of molecular hydrogen to improve type 2 diabetes through inhibiting oxidative stress.

If you’re curious to learn about effects of PEMF for gut health and microbiome, I recommend read this research review on PEMF for Digestive and gut health and nutrition.  

Growth whether spiritual, mental and physical requires change! A great way to kick-start positive change in the brain is by balancing your neurotransmitter hormones and boosting neuronal wellness.

I want to share with you authentic research proven wellness technologies that you can do to:

  • Boost your brain power
  • Stimulate brain-derived neurotrophic factors
  • Replenish brain connections
  • Have better focus
  • Improve sleep and reduce pain
  • And more!

PEMF-devices.com has some of the most advanced and accessible neuro-tech for you to enhance your current state of brain. Almost everything they do including PEMF, Low-level Light and Molecular Hydrogen can quickly reduce oxidative stress and boost the natural recovery processes.

Since 2012, PEMF-devices.com team has been researching and developing wellness technologies. Their products are shipped worldwide including United States, Canada, Europe, Australia and 30+ countries.

If you’re looking for ways for boosting your brainpower, the articles below should help understand the science in more detail. We hope you’ll find these research reviews for having the super brain you deserve is worthy of a few shares.

PEMF Research on Parkinson’s

There have been numerous trials to test efficacy of pulsed electromagnetic fields as an alternative treatment for Parkinson’s disease. PEMF therapy has neuroprotective effects and perhaps this explains why it works well for relieving Parkinson’s symptoms. Let us learn a little about Parkinson’s disease and then see how PEMF therapy works and benefits Parkinson’s disease as per available research.

Parkinson’s Disease and PEMF research

PEMF therapy research on Depression & Anxiety

PEMF therapy for depression and anxiety - A research review

PEMF therapy for depression and anxiety – A research review

PEMF for Neurorehab & Neuroprotection

PEMF for Neurorehab & Neuroprotection

A healthy brain is constantly rewiring itself to store information and process biological responses. This ability of the brain cells to reorganize themselves to change neural connections is known as neuroplasticity. Stroke patients have damaged neuroplasticity resulting in impaired speech, memory, thinking ability and mobility.

PEMF therapy research on stroke rehabilitation

Brainwave Entrainment and effects of Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy

Brainwave Entrainment and Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy research

Low-level Light Therapy for Brain

research review on low-level light/laser therapy - red and near infrared light wavelengths for bone health, brain, skin, wound muscle and chronic pain

In a research review by scientists from the University of Texas at Austin, it was studied how low level laser/light therapy applied transcranially can restore ATP to delay cognitive decline. Read our research review article which covers all the different areas of LLLT application.

Complete research review on low-level light/laser therapy

Our favorite Brain Health Tech..

molecular hydrogen

Inhalation of hydrogen can attenuate brain injury by inhibiting neuroinflammation, oxidative stress and neuronal apoptosis.

Research Review Article on Benefits of Hydrogen Inhalation

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New Podcast on The Path to Oneness – Plain Talking with Ordinary People

In this new weekly podcast, Tim Doyle and Renata Dunkle will be discussing the channeled teachings of The Golden Ones for soul ascension. The message is “Earth is a Spiritual Training School designed to train souls in becoming Co-Creator Gods. Part of the training agenda is to educate the soul on the workings of Universal Laws and Principles of harmony, balance, order, and unity for the good of ALL and the Oneness of Creation.”

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