Joe DiStefano

Joe DiStefano is an international speaker, fitness expert, lifestyle coach and former Head of Sports Training at Spartan Race.

His talks and teachings focus on engraining profound mindset shifts, giving audiences the courage and the tools align their actions with their objectives throughout daily life. During his eight years as Head of Sport and Training at Spartan Race, Joe worked full-time with professional endurance athletes and taught seminars all over the world.

After a traumatic brain injury, Joe dedicated his life to finding health again, stopping at nothing to regain his potential. Today, this experience shapes him as a coach and educator, where he believes that removing negatives and environmental detractors is a necessary step before piling on new tools and practices. While the industry is focused on the ‘sweaty and sore’ scale, Joe looks at the ‘health and happiness’ scale as a measure of success with his clients.

Online Coaching

Personalized Training Program

Delivered to your inbox the first of each month, your customized Strength & Conditioning program is a personalized high-performance, kettlebell-based training program written by Joe for athletes and fitness enthusiasts. Learn more.

Personal Nutrition & Health Coaching

Begin each month with an empowering coaching session with Joe that will add confidence and direction to your wellness journey. Learn more.


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