How to Play the Game of Life Beginner Version

This first book of teaching from The Golden Ones is intended for those walking their path and learning to trust their inner guidance. The most difficult part is learning to listen to the teacher of Divine Wisdom from the creative consciousness always communicating with us.

The author, Timothy Doyle, is an experienced metaphysical guide who shares the channeled teachings of The Golden Ones based on Universal Laws and principles of harmony, balance, order, and unity for the greater good.

Available as eBook, Kindle and Paperback Print.



According to Tim, “The Golden Ones have channeled their teaching on the purpose of life for each soul born to Earth. The Golden Ones’ teachings will assist the soul in the comprehension of their Path and Ascension to their next level of soul development. They teach aspects and processes of Manifestation, using your conscious mind, subconscious mind, interacting with the Universal Mind, and attuning to the Heart and Mind of God.”

This book made up of thirteen rules and thirteen chapters is based on Tim’s experience for the past 35 years. “When we were in the third-dimension consciousness we thought all we had to do is take a pill to take care of our needs. Now living in the fifth-dimension consciousness we are waking up to the fact that we need to be responsible for our actions. This book is about living in the fifth-dimension consciousness.”

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